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How to Discover if a Home Has a Plumbing Leak
One of the most challenging tasks in home maintenance is identifying and fixing the various components of the plumbing system. Because pipes lie hidden inside the walls, it is easy to forget about them. While most issues can be spotted by looking for a loose water heater pipe or a leaking faucet, other issues may hide beneath the floor or in the home’s foundation. Here’s how to discover if there are leaking lines.
Exploring the Components of Touchless Faucets
The majority of people have used a touchless faucet, but not many know how it works. Touchless faucets have four components working together to deliver maximum efficiency and functionality. Please keep reading to learn more about touchless faucet components.
Top Signs a Shower Cartridge is Failing
A shower cartridge is an essential element of a working shower system, and it's inside the shower valve behind the valve. The primary purpose of a shower cartridge is to regulate hot and cold-water flow and temperature coming from the showerhead when the user turns the handle.
Top 6 Signs a Septic Tank Needs Repair or Replacement
A working septic system is an indispensable part of a property. A septic tank is located underground and aids in safe and efficient storage and treatment of household waste. These vital components require regular inspection and cleaning as a part of essential maintenance.
When Is It Time to Replace the Porcelain Throne?
A troublesome toilet usually requires immediate attention. What may not be clear is if the unit needs repair or should be replaced. Home maintenance decisions often come down to finances, but other factors exist when considering a toilet. The key is understanding when a repair job won't cut it.
Bathroom Upgrade: Repair vs. Replacement of a Bathtub
Bathtubs are luxurious bathroom fixtures that help people enjoy a refreshing and relaxing bath after a long, tiring, and stressful day. A bathtub can transform a bathroom and serve as the focal point.
A Quick Guide on How to Avoid Sewer Line Trouble
Often, all it takes is a bit of care to prevent costly drainage repair costs. Clogged pipes and sewer lines may not be entirely avoidable, but a bit of diligence can reduce problems tremendously.